New Residential Buildings
Communities can choose to create new neighborhoods and maintain existing ones that are attractive, convenient, safe, and healthy. They can foster design that encourages social, civic, and physical activity while protecting the environment and stimulating economic growth. Most of all, communities can create more choices for residents, workers, visitors, children, families, single people, and older adults—choices in where to live, how to get around, and how to interact with the people around them. When communities do this kind of planning, they preserve the best of their past while creating a bright future for generations to come.
Results of survey responders:
95.9% agree that new homes must conform to the character of the existing houses in the immediate neighborhood.
91.4% want zoning to be revised to limit the size on new homes as follows: Lots up to ¾ acre = maximum gross floor area of 3500 sq. ft.
Lots between ¾ acre and 1 ½ acres = maximum gross floor area of 4000 sq. ft.
Lots above 1 ½ acres = maximum gross floor area of 5000 sq. ft.
Buildings are not to be more than 2 floors high.
86.9% believe that the ARC should be combined with the Town Engineer and a committee from the community to form a Charrette for the review and approval of both residential and commercial design.
Affordable, in-character design standards should be used to help buildings (new and old, residential and commercial) conform for the best look for the community.