Affordable Housing
Affordable housing, with compact development, green design and construction, and transportation options, can help communities protect the environment, create more affordable neighborhoods, and provide housing for families from a range of ages and incomes who contribute to an economically and socially vibrant community. A range of different housing types makes it possible for senior citizens to stay in their neighborhoods as they age, young people to afford their first home, and families at all stages in between to find a safe, attractive home they can afford.
Results of survey responders:
80% would like to eliminate the existing buy-out provision from future multi-unit developments and enforce the current 20% rule. We understand that there are legitimate issues with putting affordable housing and expensive housing on the same parcel. But the lack of affordable housing is detrimental to the future of the community. Another option might be to change the zoning of empty parcels to make them exclusively for affordable housing.
72.9% are willing to have more affordable housing in Mattituck-Laurel. Although “apartments above stores” and “rehabilitation of existing housing stock” are preferred, only 25.5% of responders thought Habitat for Humanity would be a practical source. There could be more apartments above existing retail space.
Three critical elements of the North Fork population are younger adults, families and seniors. The first two groups constitute much of our labor force (and our emergency services) and raise the next generations. Seniors give us stability with their experience, wisdom and connection to local community and history. All three groups are under pressure to leave here because they cannot afford our cost of living, making it imperative that affordable housing solutions be implemented. More residences within walking distance of Love Lane would positively impact more stores and businesses and help establish a stronger year-around market .
Communities need ways to strengthen their economies, provide better quality of life, and build on local assets. Challenges include rapid growth, sprawl and other suburban-style development pressures.
Strategies to help attain goals and manage growth include:
Planning where development should or should not go to help businesses thrive on walkable main streets where families can live close to their daily destinations.
Policies that protect the landscape and help preserve open space, protect air and water quality, provide places for recreation, and create attractions that bring investments into the local economy.
Policies that support walking, biking, and public transit help reduce air pollution from vehicles, reduces the amount of parking needed, and saves people money.
Results of survey responders:
80% want new commercial buildings along the Main Road and Route 48 to have wooded buffers near the streets, followed by parking, and setting the building as far back as possible.
86.5% think that repurposing of empty buildings must be made a collaboration between the Town and local developers and encouraged by the Town.
The character of the community could be enhanced by the improvements of existing properties and would be facilitated by incentives (grant funding?) to property owners.