Design & Material Standards
Design Standards for all new construction are recommended. Attention should also be given to the size of buildings as well as the location of the building on the lot. These standards should not increase costs for developers while maintaining the character of the hamlet.
The development of streetscape design standards is also recommended. These standards would specify sidewalk and curb details, street tree varieties, light fixture details, and street furniture options. They would assure that streets are compatible and consistent with the character of the district.
Design standards should reflect what an area’s needs are. One for the Hamlet Center and the other for the Route 25 commercial corridor. The standards for the Hamlet Center could build upon and reinforce the appealing character of Love Lane. The standards for the commercial corridor could be designed to alleviate the visual clutter that defines the corridor. This elevates the quality of future development and improvement.
The Route 25 corridor, with certain exceptions, possesses many of the negative features of western Long Island sprawl. Many are sensitive to the appearance of this district, as it forms the first impression of the hamlet. Access to each business is mostly car only and architecture, design and landscaping is a hodge-podge.
The zoning setback requirements, landscaping requirements and other specific provisions of the zoning codes should be reviewed. Off-street parking areas should be screened and buffered by landscaping so that a more attractive streetscape corridor can be created.
Well designed parking areas requires fewer cub cuts on Route 25 and thereby improving traffic conditions. Similarly, carefully created zoning controls governing signage, including the permitted number and location of signs, size, materials, illumination, etc., will significantly improve the aesthetic character of the streetscape.
Lastly, one of the most visually disruptive elements of the existing streetscape is the presence of overhead utility lines. Existing utility lines in the Hamlet Center should be placed underground. All new development should be required to install all utilities underground, as well.